
Class A foam

Product details

Technical Data

ItemsStandardProportioning Ratio
Proportioning rate0.3%-3%
AppearanceLighting yellowish liquid
PH Value at 20℃6.0-9.5
Specific gravity at 20℃1.1 +/- 0.01 g/ml
Freezing point-22 ℃
Surface tension (mN/m)≤30.0
25% Drainage Time at 20℃Foam expansion 27 +/- 20%; 25%0.50%
Drainage Time: 11.4min +/- 30%
Insulation performanceFoam expansion ≥303%
25% Drainage Time ≥20.0min
Extinguishing performance for Class A fireFoam expansion 27 +/- 20%0.50%
Extinguishing time ≤90.0s
Fire-Resistance Time ≥10.0min
Addional requestFoam expansion 27+/- 20%;25%0.50%
Drainage Time: 10min +/- 30%
Foam expansion 27 +/- 20%0.50%
Extinguishing time ≥IIID
Shelf life3 years
ApprovalEN1568 Part 3
Class A foam or also known as “wild fire foam”and “wetting agent”. Intended for use againstClass A fires such as wood, paper, textiles orrubber. Class A foams are blend of surfactantsthat enable strong wetting and foamingproperties. Class A foams are often intended foruse at very low concentration of 0,1 to 1%, andare formulated using environmentally favorableraw materials. In most cases Class A foams arefluorine free foams as well.



Recommended Proportioning Ratio:

Helicopter Bucket 0.3%-0.5%

Aspirating nozzle 0.3%-0.5%

Non-aspirating nozzle 0.3%-0.6%

Compressed air foam system(CAFS)0.1%-0.6%

Aspirated foam on small class B fires 1%-3%.